Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Ok, so by now most of you know I have issues.................Like I mentioned in my last blog- I have to wash my hands entirely too much. In Julie's blog, she talked about how I literally made myself sick with worry when looking at "The World's 10 Deadliest Insects" book the other day. Also, have I mentioned the fact that randomly my muscles shrivel up like an old man in a freezing cold shower............???? Yeah..........I'm not sure why, but I get cramps in my right hand almost daily. Randomly, the side of my right hand will just suck in until you can literally see a dent in my hand. It's pretty gross. Also, the other day, I was kneeling down for family prayer and I got a cramp in the back of one of my thighs, so I shot up to my feet to fight the cramp, but the cramping spread to my other leg also, and then to the front of my legs as well. So, both of my legs, front and back were all cramped up............I felt like a complete dork trying to balance on these two legs of mine that were clenched so tight that it felt like I was on two stilts. After this episode, I rushed over to our fruit bowl and totally gormandized two bananas.

So, I'm thinking that these cramping episodes can only be one thing. I really don't drink water. My liquid sustenance pretty much consists of Dr. Pepper and some other soft drinks. I figure that these sodas are like 70% water, right? That's not bad, right??? I do drink a little water during my morning ritual before I leave for work, and then as I go to bed at night, I'll swig a little water before retiring to bed.

I have to say though, that after the leg cramps the other day, I've made more of an effort to drink water, and I force down bananas when I can to help my body with a little potassium. I really don't enjoy water that much, unless it's freezing cold. Oh yeah, have I mentioned that when I eat banana's, sometimes I'll get this weird tingling sensation in my eyes. I think I might literally be allergic to bananas. Maybe I'm allergic to healthy food. For any of you that have seen Back to the Future, there's a part at the end where Doc is throwing a banana peel and some beer into his Delorean to help it run. Why can't my body be like that? It pretty much already is, but I guess these random cramps are my body's way of telling me to shape up, or at least do a better job at treating it right. Maybe I should listen a little closer...............


Julie J. said...

Maybe if you listened to your body and drank more water your OCD would go away.... Maybe your subconscious is telling you water, water, water. And your conscious is translating it into wash, wash, wash.

Holy Cow! I should become a therapist!

Anonymous said...

I found this online:

The Average American consumes over 53 gallons per year of carbonated beverages. With a 32 oz soda (the 'large' size in most restaurants) being 320 calories, this means each year an American will guzzle approximately 67,840 calories per year in carbonated beverages. Based on a 2000 calorie diet, this would mean that the number of recommended calories for an entire month would be filled by just carbonated beverages, and provide near nil nutritional value.

Yikes. Water is better, water is better, drink more water!!

Cote Corner said...

i agree with you matt. I don't like water unless it is FREEZING cold! it just doesn't taste like anything at all, unless it is tap water and then I really don't want to try describe tap waters "taste" Though I must say that Jeanna and Julie are right too. water is SUPER good for you and would probably help with those leg cramps. I remember when mom used to complain at night of leg cramps. It was always when she had a soda before bed. Maybe the same thing is happening to you.
BTW... Why don't you visit my blog?

Cote Corner said...

Matt- To get the word verification off do the following:
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then save settings at the bottom. That should do it.

Becky said...

This reminds me of a Boyz II Men song from 1995, "Water Runs Dry."

It's a great song and I never really knew what it was about until I read your post.

The chorus says, "Let's don't wait til the water runs dry." Interesting.

And then in the middle of the song there is a line that says, "Some people will work things out and some just don't know how to change." Then it proceeds to the chorus again and "Let's don't wait til the water runs dry...and make the biggest mistake of our lives."

Matt, you should definitely drink more water and not rely on the water in soda for your hydration... "Don't do it baby." <---from the song.

If Boyz II Men were activists for staying hydrated I think you can swig down 8 cups a day.

Holley said...

Matt, you really do need to drink water. Your muscles are comprised of 75% water and when they don't get enough they get taught and cramped. If you don't like bananas, take a potassium supplement. You also might be low in magnesium that can give you muscle spasms too. I used to get leg cramps in the middle of the night and nothing is worse than having to hit the ceiling at 2am because it feels like someone is trying to twist your leg off. I take a magnesium and potassium supplement and drink water and that seems to do the trick. Sorry to nag! I just love you little cuz!