If any of you out there are avid fans of the show "The Office", than you would know what the title of this blog means. In short, on the show The Office, there is some really creepy old man, named Creed. He used to be homeless, and is clearly not right in the head. In one episode, Creed mentions that he's totally going to blog his findings about an office romance between Jim and Pam. Ryan mentions that he set up a "blog" on Microsoft Word for Creed, and he titled it: www.creedthoughts.gov.www/creedthoughts. Ryan mentioned that even for the Internet, Creeds thoughts were very disturbing. He didn't set up a real blog, because he was truly trying to protect the public. Freakin' funny!!!
I guess I can kind of relate with this. It's amusing to me that disturbed people, like yours truly, can have a medium like a blog, to spread the insanity............ I totally look forward to blogging now and hearing from everyone.
By the way, if you're wondering what that picture at the top of this post is about, that was me when I saw that someone actually visited my blog...........
Well, it's getting late. Gotta go..........
You stay classy Utah County.............
Hey, I think you just earned yourself a Shrute Buck. You just need about 10,000 moore to redeem for and extra minute of lunch break.
I didn't see the first season, is this the second season or third? I have been watching this season online when I have some time at night to chill out. Just saw the most recent one with Michael going into the wilderness. So freakin hilarious.
I'm not sure what season it was. I think it was the end of last season.
so on your poll i said, "other." I would first spend money on paying off all my debts. THEN I'd buy a house and invest. And since you're my brother and all I'd buy you a new car or something!
Amy- I'm holding you to that if you ever become loaded........
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