Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Evil Eye


Anonymous said...

That was super cute and I am laughing right now.

Julie J. said...

I love that kid...SOOOO CUTE!

Holley said...

That is crazy! I can totally relate to that little kid. I seem to be a very manic kind of person lately. Just ask my kids. One minute I'm totally laughing and the next giving the old "evil eye."

Cote Corner said...

how does that kid keep a straight face after laughing so hard? maybe he'll grow up to be an actor!! :) So cute!!

Cote Corner said...

u need to post more often Matt. I keep coming back and there's no new posts. It's like lost... so good for awhile but takes FOREVER to come back!!! :)

The Wells said...

Matt - I am really enjoying getting to know you a little better. We are so far away, that when we are there, it is usally for some occation that brings everyone out. Thanks for letting us in!