Monday, April 21, 2008

Just One Week

Can I just say what a difference one week makes?! This past week, I took the week off. I had almost nothing planned, and I was excited about that. We did a bunch of low key things, and ate out a few times, but for the most part, my last week was pretty slow paced.

I didn't really spend many late nights up, trying to make the most out of each day of vacation. But, I went to bed at a decent hour, and slept in until about 8 or 9 every morning. This morning, even though I was coming into work for the first time in 10 days, I felt great!!! I can't remember the last time I felt that good at work. I felt refreshed, alert, and I was happy!

A lot of times, we tend to think, when we take a vacation that something grandiose needs to be planned or scheduled. This is completely over rated. I did nothing all week, and it was everything I ever thought it could be. Man, being lazy has its advantages!!!


Cote Corner said...

it was kind of like that for us when we went to Idaho. There wasn't whole lot to do but it's kind of nice just to be able to lay around and not worry about "plans" all the time. I'm glad you guys had a fun vaca. I'll see you Sat!

Holley said...

Sounds like Heaven. My husband always thinks we have to "GO" somewhere when we have time off or its not really a vacation. When we get home I'm usually more tired than I was when we started off. Glad you had a nice week. I hope that Julie is feeling better.

Jeanna said...

Sounds like a slice o' heaven to me.